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8th Workshop Festival

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you all to our FLEPS 8th Workshop Festival “Recovery and Recreation". The FLEPS 8th Workshop Festival will be on the 26th of May, 2023, in the FLEPS Prep B Building, starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending at about 16:00 p.m.

As you all know, after the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, we had many changes in our personal and professional lives. Besides as an institution we had to become more powerful to compete with other institutions. Therefore as FLEPS, we worked hard collaboratively and were accredited by EQUALS. With this accreditation we thought that we had overcome the pandemic so we could give a start to the new beginning with enthusiasm until we faced with the earthquake disaster in February. It was a really big trauma for all of us, for our students, for our friends and especially for our colleagues who lost their loved ones. We believed that the most meaningful thing to do in such a difficult and sensitive time is to be together, heal each other and continue on our way shoulder to shoulder which leads us all to recovering and recreating our personal and professional lives. We hope this year's workshops will help us recover the wounds in our souls and recreate our experiences with the new trends in language teaching and learning.

In addition, we will also have two plenary speakers. The plenary speakers and their biodata will be available soon on the webpage.The Workshop Festival will begin with an opening speech by our Director and then followed by our first plenary speaker. Then the sessions will start in several different rooms.

The deadline for sending your abstracts is the 16th of May, 2023. For attending the workshop festival, you can register online. The registration form link is  (the Deadline is 25th May, 2023)

Registering online is important if you wish to get a soft copy of the 8th Workshop Festival Certificate of Participation, you can use the same link as above!

We look forward to seeing you all on the 26th of May, 2023

(Betül Eren and Nadıran Tanyeli.)


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