FLEPS 9th Workshop Festival


Dear colleagues,

We're happy to invite you to our FLEPS 9th Workshop Festival! The theme of the festival this year is 

Cultivating Resilience & Well-Being: Nurturing Growth in Education.

 This one-day event will take place 

  • on May 31st, 2024,

  • at the EMU FLEPS PREP B Building, 

  • from 09:00 to 16:00.

This event promises a day of insightful exploration into current practices, experiences, and challenges in language education, featuring engaging workshops and presentations.

 Join us to

  • connect with colleagues from FLEPS and other language schools,

  • share your insights, learn from fellow educators, enrich your teaching practices, and 

  • exchange ideas and explore collaboration opportunities to enhance your influence in the classroom.

Linked to the main theme of the workshop festival, presenters are invited to contribute to the event with the following topics:

Teacher Well-being in English Language Education:

  • Addressing stress, burnout, and anxiety among language teachers
  • Exploring new approaches to language instruction that prioritize teacher well-being and student engagement
  • Incorporating reflective practices and mindfulness techniques into daily teaching routines
  • Work-life balance in the context of language teaching

Supporting student well-being in language learning:

  • Addressing language learner anxiety and stress
  • Promoting inclusive teaching practices and supportive language learning environments
  • Developing resilience in language learners facing academic pressure
  • Understanding diverse student backgrounds

However, presenters are also encouraged to consider a diverse range of sub-themes:

Student-Centred Learning:

  • Strategies for promoting student engagement and autonomy,
  • Incorporating student interests into lesson planning and
  • Empowering students as active participants in their learning journey.

Assessment for Learning:

  • Implementing formative assessment techniques,
  • Providing constructive feedback and
  • Using assessment data to inform instructional decisions.

Promoting Language Learning Resilience:

  • Strategies for motivating language learners
  • Building confidence and perseverance in language acquisition
  • Overcoming challenges in language learning

Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching and Learning:

  • Integrating technology and AI into language instruction
  • Implementing communicative language teaching methodologies
  • Utilising authentic materials and real-world tasks in language learning 

Leadership and Professional Growth in English Language Education:

  • Cultivating leadership skills among language educators
  • Advancing career development opportunities in English language teaching
  • Leading innovation and change in language education with resilience

Research and Best Practices in English Language Teaching:

  • Examining current research on effective language teaching methodologies
  • Implementing evidence-based practices in language education
  • Sharing successful strategies and case studies in English language teaching

Important Dates:

The deadline for abstract submissions is May 29, 2024. 

The deadline for online registration is May 30, 2024.

Participants will receive a soft copy of the Certificate of Participation. 

Register here: https://flepsworkshop.emu.edu.tr/register

As we approach the end of a demanding academic year, let's unite to foster resilience and well-being in education. We eagerly anticipate your participation on May 31st, 2024.

Warm regards,


Ayşegül Sallı & Nadıran Tanyeli

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FLEPS 9th Workshop Festival