Dear Colleagues,
We would like to thank you all for making our FLEPS 7th Workshop Festival “Trends In A New Era" a great success. The FLEPS 7th Workshop Festival was held on the 27th of May, 2022, in the FLEPS Prep B Building. It started at 8:30 a.m. and ended at about 15:45 p.m. The Workshop Festival began with a speech by our Workshop Festival Coordinator P.Nurcan Garip and an opening speech by our Assistant Director Ipek Menevis. The Workshop Festival started with our first plenary speaker Steve O'Farrell talking about "Virtual Classroom to the Metaverse. What is this Socrery?"
After the parallel sessions and lunch, we had our 2nd plenary speaker Pamela Johnson who talked about "Digital Literacy for a Transformed World".
We would also like to thank our Festival presenters for making this a wonderful and successful event after 2.5 years absence due to Covid-19.
Ozan S. İnamlık presentered three sessions for us, on various topics such as "What is a behavioral interview?"
Aycan Garip and Ömür Ray presented about LGBTI+ basic
terminology and prevent discrimination
against sexual orientation and gender
identity diversity.
Besime Erkmen talked about exploring ways of integrating technology in the
writing and listening classes.
Ülker Vancı Osam and the Practicum Practitioners:
Altynai Kalmanbetova
Beyza Güven,
Emin Aktaş,
Mehmet Yorgancı, and Nurten Başdoğrultmacı in an informal talk discussed the cognitive and emotional struggles for
practicum practitioners and the struggles they went through to develop a teaching persona.
Nazan Doğruer presented Sustainable Development and Education and how mindset need to change.
Nafia Akdeniz talked about her personal journey as a poet and as an academic, exploring "Creative Academia: Re-writing
Academic Findings as Poems."
And, we would like to thank you our participants for coming and making the 7th Workshop Festival a wonderful event.
Finally, we would also like to our thank our FLEPS High Administration and EMU Rector's Office for providing us with all the support we needed. And latest but not least, Pearson and Saydam Berberoglu for sponsoring the 7th Workshop Festival.
Before saying good bye, we would like to let you know that if you registered and signed the participant form, you will received your soft copy certificate of participation.
As with all events, to help us plan for the 8th Workshop Festival , we would really appreciate your feedback from the 7th Workshop Festival. To give us your feedback, you can use this link https://forms.gle/MQMagVB9asHewvSH6
Thank you all again; and we look forward to seeing you in the next workshop festival as presenters and as participants.
(Nurcan Garip, Betül Eren and Nadıran Tanyeli.)